Articles of Social Science
Fertility is a demographic concept which is defined as “average number of children a woman would have in her reproductive live “. High fertility is one of the most important causes of population growth in any specific geographical area. while fertility has declined in some developing countries, other... Continue Reading
Fertility is a demographic concept which is defined as “average number of children a woman would have in her reproductive live “. High fertility is one of the most important causes of population growth in any specific geographical area. while fertility has declined in some developing countries, other... Continue Reading
Protein deficiency malnutrition (PDM) is the most common disease that affect children between 1 to 5 years old. As a general term it refers to a condition that results from taking a diet in which nutrient protein are too little or too much that it causes health problems including a number of... Continue Reading
Protein deficiency malnutrition (PDM) is the most common disease that affect children between 1 to 5 years old. As a general term it refers to a condition that results from taking a diet in which nutrient protein are too little or too much that it causes health problems including a number of... Continue Reading
We always seek in developing countries to find out the causes surrounding the child's disease and the solutions to these problems, and among the problems that were and are still contributing to the health of the child is the weight of the child at birth, whether it was less than the normal weight or higher... Continue Reading
Birth weight is a major public health concern, especially in developing countries, and we kept searching for factors that affect birth weight in general. This study is aimed at investigating the association of socioeconomic and pathological factors with birth weight, this study had to be done because... Continue Reading